This book replaces the 2015 version of the Virginia Master Gardener Handbook. It includes significant changes to organization, factual corrections, content additions, and deletions.
Overall or Major Changes
- Drawings replaced with photos: Drawings have been selectively replaced with real photos. All drawings related to specific insects and plant damage have been replaced.
- Changes to wording and sentence structure throughout as recommended by the 2022 Handbook Review Team in order to improve comprehensibility.
- Corrections to errors and typos throughout.
- Addition of “call out sections” which highlight EMG projects or special horticultural topics.
Chapter Numbering
- Previous Chapter 1 “Introduction to Extension Master Gardenering” has been removed and will be replaced with separate manual
- Combination of previous Chapter 2 “Soils” and Chapter 3 “Nutrient Management” into new Chapter 2 “Soils and Nutrient Management”
- Previous Chapter 9 “Pesticide Use & Safety” replaced by new Chapter 7 “Integrated Pest Management and Pesticide Safety”
- New chapter order
- Addition of Chapter 19 “Virginia Native Plants”
New Chapter Order
- Chapter 1: Botany (Original CH 2)
- Chapter 2: Soils and Nutrient Management (Original CH 3 and CH 4)
- Chapter 3: Entomology (Original CH 5)
- Chapter 4: Plant Pathology (Original CH 6)
- Chapter 5: Abiotic Stress (Original CH 7)
- Chapter 6: Diagnosing Plant Damage (Original CH 8)
- Chapter 7: Integrated Pest Management (Original CH 9)
- Chapter 8: Plant Propagation (Original CH 10)
- Chapter 9: The Vegetable Garden (Original CH 13)
- Chapter 10: Fruits in the Home Garden (Original CH 14)
- Chapter 11: Lawns (Original CH 15)
- Chapter 12: Indoor Plants (Original CH 12)
- Chapter 13: Woody Landscape Plants (Original CH 16)
- Chapter 14: Pruning (Original CH 11)
- Chapter 15: Herbaceous Landscape Plants (Original CH 17)
- Chapter 16: Landscape Design (Original CH 18)
- Chapter 17: Water Quality and Conservation (Original CH 19)
- Chapter 18: Wildlife habitats (Original CH 20)
- Chapter 19: Native Plants (New)
“Call out Box” Topics and Authors:
- Ch 1: Green Spring Gardens “Planting Seeds of Hope” A Master Gardener approach to Therapeutic Gardening Kathleen Wellington, Extension Master Gardener, Green Spring Gardens
- Ch 2: Northern Neck Shoreline Evaluation Program By Ian Cheyne, Extension Master Gardener, Northern Neck
- Ch 3: Tick populations densest in suburban forests By David Gaines, State Public Health Entomologist Virginia Dept. of Health, Office of Epidemiology
- Ch 4: Importance of disinfecting tools to prevent spread of plant disease By Mary Ann Hansen, Extension Plant Pathologist, Virginia Tech
- Ch 9: Lost Crops of Africa for Virginia Farmers By Harbans Bhardwaj, Professor, Virginia State University
- Ch 11: Healthy Virginia Lawns: Grassroots in Chesterfield By Seth Guy, Environmental Educator, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Chesterfield
- Ch 12: Indoor Plants and Toxicity for Pets By Marion Ehrich and Dennis Blodgett, Virginia Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech
- Ch 14: Norfolk Master Gardener Crepe Myrtle Pruning By Paulette Crawford, Extension Master Gardener, Norfolk
- Ch 15: Adapting the Garden for Therapeutic Benefits By Phyllis Turner, Extension Master Gardener, Bedford
- Ch 16: More Than Just a Pretty Space By Scott Douglas, Director Hahn Horticulture Garden, Virginia Tech
- Ch 17: From the Rooftops to the Roots – An Integrated Approach to Harvesting Rain Water By Shawn Jadrnicek, Extension Agent, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Roanoke
- Ch 18: Goochland-Powhatan Extension Master Gardener Habitat Demonstration Garden By Linda Toler, Extension Master Gardener, Goochland-Powhatan
Specific Chapter-Level Changes
Chapter 1: Botany
- Moved discussion of taxonomy to end
- Added section on plant cells to beginning
- Replaced many figures with more clear/demonstrative images
- Moved discussion of cultivar, taxon, etc. from “Woody Plants” to “Botany”
Chapter 2: Soils and Nutrient Management
- Combined duplicate discussions of pH
- Addition of images, including Virginia soils map
- Added paragraph on urban soils
- Added paragraph on soil food web
- Added paragraph on Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
Chapter 3: Entomology
- Replaced drawings with photos, insect ID lab has reviewed diagrams adapted from the original handbook
Chapter 4: Plant Pathology
- Replaced drawings with photos
Chapter 5: Abiotic Stress
- Addition of discussion of CO2 and atmospheric CO2 charts
- Additional diagrams in salinity section
Chapter 6: Diagnosing Plant Damage
- Diagnostic key reviewed and updated
Chapter 7: Integrated Pest Management (New, replaces previous “Pesticide Use and Safety” chapter)
- Chapter rewritten
- Beginning focuses on IPM and second half deals with pesticide safety
Chapter 8: Plant Propagation
- Replaced all diagrams of propagation techniques
- Added coconut coir as an option everywhere sphagnum moss is mentioned
Chapter 9: Vegetables
- Reworded weed section
- Removed pest management in the garden and organic pest control (see new Chapter 7 “Integrated Pest Management and Pesticide Safety” instead)
- Deleted pesticide recommendations and instead refer people to VCE “Pest Management Guide”
- Rewrite of “Plant Health Management” section
- Added paragraph on no-till gardening
Chapter 10: Fruits
- Moved pruning images to pruning chapter
Chapter 11: Turf
- Removed duplicate discussion of turf varieties
- Moved “Grass choices for Virginia beach” from end to the recommended varieties section
Chapter 12: Indoor plants
- Removal of all plant species care sections; replaced with more general descriptions of types of indoor plants
- Corrections to scientific names
Chapter 13: Woody
- Moved discussion of cultivars, variety etc. to Chapter 1 “Botany”
- Moved discussion of buds to botany
- Addition of woody plant botany section
Chapter 14: Pruning
- Rearranged chapter
- Shortened discussion of pruning tools
- Added pruning fruits images from fruits chapter
Chapter 15: Herbaceous Landscape Plants
- Corrections to scientific names
17: Water Quality and Conservation
- Moved and updated section on regulatory agencies
- Corrected statements on cost of irrigation systems/updated irrigation section
Chapter 18: Wildlife habitats
- Update name change from Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
- Updated statements regarding regulatory information
Chapter 19: Native Plants (New)
- New chapter